"Essentially, we have a system where wealthy farmers feed the poor crap and poor farmers feed the wealthy high-quality food." - Michael Pollan
Martin had an email exchange that reminded me of this quote.
We were contacted to provide ground beef for a booth at the Exhibition this summer. You can read the correspondence below.
Name: Rae
Subject: 50 lbs of ground beef for Whoop Up Days
Hey there! I'm writing you from Bissett Cleaning/Polished Janitorial we are hoping to have a BBQ for Whoop Up Days, and are looking for a company to pair with for the 40-50 pounds of beef we will need for the day, we would be willing to cross promote on our social media and put the company on our posters etc. for a price break on the total amount.
Please let us know what your thoughts are.
From Harvest Haven: Thu, May 23, 2024, at 10:20 AM
Hello Rae!
Buckle up.
My thoughts are that people should stop contacting local small-scale farmers looking for discounts. Shouldn't you be supporting us on a weekly basis instead of contacting us for freebies on a yearly basis? Why do we only get contacted by people like you when there's some kind of bulk discount desired? Why are "cute local farms" only thought about for a few fleeting rodeo moments? Everybody wants to save a few bucks on food at the expense of the farmers and the land, while they spend their "saved" cash recklessly on every other form of merchandise.
Also, I despise Whoop-Up Days and what they stand for. The Lethbridge Exhibition (and the rest of Lethbridge City management with them) is a disgustingly immoral, discriminatory, and wicked organization. They are evil evil people. Their whole organization is destined for destruction. The Lord Jesus Christ will make sure it happens.
I know you'll be surprised by the nature of my reply. I guess you'll have to decide whether I'm just a grumpy bitter farmer or if you're receiving a message worth considering.
Well, there you go. Sometimes, I ignore these emails and sometimes I respond. Nobody's listening either way.
I'll let you decide whether or not I'm crazy.
From: Rae
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 11:31 AM
To: Harvest Haven solutions@harvesthaven.com
Subject: Re: [#11197569] 50 lbs of ground beef for Whoop Up Days
Hi Martin.
As someone who has just moved to Lethbridge, I saw your farm through a google search and didn't think to myself "what a cute little farm, let me ask them for a discount". I was happy to find an organic farm for meat as I am a Master Organic Gardener myself. I haven't seen your product in any stores around here, and was simply wanting to partner with you to give you a bit more visibility during a busy time here in the city. We typically put on 2-3 BBQ style events per year and were looking for a local farm to partner with in the future. I'm guessing yours will not be the answer.
I'm sorry that people in Lethbridge seem to have made you "Grumpy" as you say. Our companies are also small, we employ about 20 people between both Polished Janitorial, and Bissett Cleaning. We are simply looking to create a sense of community with our partnerships. Not take advantage of anyone.
Again, as someone new here, I am just hearing about Whoop-up Days and am unsure of what you are talking about when you say that they are evil, and discriminatory, as I have yet to delve into the politics of Lethbridge, and am simply doing my job as a Social Media Coordinator/Event Coordinator.
I hope you have a blessed day and that you enjoy your weekend.
Warm Regards,
Social Media Coordinator
From Harvest Haven: Sat May 25, 2024 at 6:36 PM
I didn't say that people in Lethbridge have made me "grumpy." I accurately surmised that you would interpret my message that way. In reality, I'm not upset at all. I've just learned to be straightforward.
It's not just Lethbridge. Reality and honesty are despised universally. Nobody, including you, wants to hear it. And even among those who kind of know that we're speaking the Truth, there are none that will openly support it. Truth is abhorred by all.
Just so you know (and this is only one of their grossly immoral decisions), the Lethbridge Exhibition kicked us out of their Farmer's Market because I wrote in our newsletter that I didn't think abortions should be illegal (not that we support abortion), but that tax dollars shouldn't pay for them. Seemed fair enough, wouldn't you say? All the ghouls came out of their caves in a rage calling us Nazis and threatening to protest us at the Farmer's Market. I acknowledged that protesting was legally permissible and that I couldn't stop them from doing so.
So, instead of showing up to face us, the cowards wrote letters to the Exhibition claiming that we were using the Farmer's Market as a platform for dangerous ultra-right-wing religious extremism, though we never once spoke of these matters on their turf.
Ironically, the far right hates us just as much as the far left. The Exhibition sent us registered mail, kicking us out, and refused to answer our phone calls or emails. All this, after we peaceably and respectfully participated in the Farmer's Market for more than a couple of decades. But what else can you expect from people who host children's festivals where drag queens read stories to infants and toddlers at the library?
And WE'RE the dangerous ones? It's breathtaking.
Tell me. Is that justice? Is that fair? Do you care?
And, truthfully, Rae, I'm not bitter about being kicked out. I was glad of it. It was always a bunch of work with little reward. But how can we remain silent about their wickedness? We can't be the only people they've abused.
We're doing something for you that people just aren't familiar with. We're being realistic and honest. No bullshitting. No political correctness. Just frankness and sincerity.
It seems as though it's too late. Nobody can stomach the Truth anymore. I guess it's too expensive and God doesn't offer the desired discounts.
Do you see what I mean, now, when I say, "Nobody is listening either way"? I've taken the time to answer you for your sake, and you've more or less blown me off.
Do you know how thrilled we'd be if you were able to hear us and respect us for being straightforward and honest with you? I'm not holding my breath.
The Scriptures say that no prophets are received in their hometown.
You can roll your eyes, but the Truth leaves its mark. You won't shake this off so easily.
At the time of writing, there has been no reply.