The way I see it, "The Science" is easily the most popular and most sinister suicide cult that's ever been. You heard me right. Every time one of the "Science" priests in their white lab coats starts lying their pants off behind a podium, the masses obey as if their carelessly concocted drivel is self-evident truth.
And how many people can say they're no longer members (because we've all been there)? And none that leave are spared the mockery and rejection of the rest of the cult. The very moment you leave the church of "Science," and start living clean, you receive opposition from friends and family.
"The Science" always promises prosperity and luxury, but, invariably, it will cost your freedom and your life. The Darkness never settles for less.
I wrote this article a few years ago, but with all that's happening in agriculture and the food supply, it's even more relevant today. The "scientific" agriculture system is collapsing and hardly anyone is talking about it. The price of the herbicides and pesticides are skyrocketing and so is the fuel required to ship, receive, and apply them.
It won't be much longer before our "non-scientific" farming methods at Harvest Haven start making a lot of sense to people. We have the solutions and, very soon, folks are going to realize how valuable they are, when they start experiencing very serious problems.
Feeding the World
I've gotten into a lot of discussions and arguments about the sustainability and legitimacy of organic farming, as I'm sure many of you have.
Many have insisted that conventional farming with its seemingly great yield per acre is the only way to feed the world, as though chemicals are the only possible means of eradicating starvation and hunger. It's such a preposterous lie that it makes me angry, not that I can hold it against everyone who's been deceived by the chemical gospel. It is an evil history strewn with lies, murder, greed, and plenty more than a few dead bodies.
Let me share a few points that come to mind.
First, organic farming has been tested side-by-side with chemical farming for the last 50 years and it's been more than adequately demonstrated that there is no advantage in using chemicals. In fact, in dry or wet years, organic crops outperform chemical crops. And that's only comparing yield. The nutrient density of the organic crop outperforms the chemical crop every year.
There is a reason for the "conventional farming yields more" myth. You see, organic soil can fix its own nitrogen out of the air (the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen) with the aid of solar power and microbiology. If you add chemical fertilizer to a healthy organic crop, you'll likely see incredible yields in the first couple years because you have your chemical input and your microbiology working together. Great yields can be very tempting. The trouble is that the chemicals eventually annihilate the microbiological community at which point you're back to your original organic yields but it's not free anymore.
The only way to achieve that same super crop is to increase the amount of chemical, and as your soil diminishes, the chemical needs continue to increase. At that point your chemical company officially has you and your soil hooked on drugs. The only way out of that addiction is a miserable period of withdrawal that many farmers are not willing to face. Understandably so. It's hard enough for most farmers to get by. The prospect of losing money until your soil slowly comes back to life is too big a burden for most family farms to bear.
There are whole divisions of these evil companies responsible for forcing and deceiving new nations and cultures, enslaving their farmers after hooking them on chemicals. Thousands of farmers in India alone have taken their own lives in desperation because chemical companies took what little ability they had left to feed their families away from them. It is cruel tyranny. We have choices to make. These chemical companies would be bankrupt tomorrow if everybody boycotted them.
Second, just because we can get outrageous yields for multiple years in a row, does not mean we can presume it will continue. Just because we can get somewhere faster by over-revving our motor, does not mean it comes without a cost to the motor. If you withdraw more from your soil than you return, you are guilty of stealing from your children and God Himself.
Third, over 40% of North America's food is wasted. People have a gross disrespect for food. If we're so concerned about feeding the world, why not stop burying nearly half of our harvest in landfills. At the very least, a good portion could be fed back to livestock.
Fourth, if you could hear the cries of starving third world farmers whose crops are now worthless because "charitable" first world nations flooded their economies with cheap food, you would think twice about how much so-called "good" we're doing by trying to feed the world. First world governments are intentionally crashing foreign markets with surpluses of cheap grain to bankrupt local agriculture and create dependency. We are bankrupting our own soil and creating a harmful over-abundance, just so we can take advantage of people who are already suffering. Everybody is losing.
Finally, do you know how much money, natural resources, research, political activity and straight up hard labor get wasted on war every year? Did you know that the same chemical companies that produced chemical weapons, nerve gas, and explosives for Hitler during the war now produce pesticide and fertilizer for your average farmer? Did you know that those same companies are waiting in hospital boardrooms when their dirty agriculture gives you cancer, so they can finish you off with a derivative of mustard gas they call Chemotherapy? Can you even imagine anything so evil?!!??
There is enough land and resource on this planet to feed billions more people. There's no need to believe and repeat the lies that murderers have fed to us, just so we can suffer for their gain. Chemical companies have taken advantage of well-meaning farmers by convincing them they're helping feed the hungry, just so they can attempt to satisfy their own insatiable greed.
Chemical farming doesn't feed the world. It destroys it!
Every last person on Earth could live like kings if everyone would hear, believe, and exercise Truth!