Pipsqueak, the Tiny Cat that has 19 Lives
Growing up on the farm brings you face to face with the realities of life and death.
The Van Popta children have experienced much in their short years on the farm and have realistic attitudes with it all. For example, I went with eight-year old twins, Mathijs and Marseilles to gather eggs from the pasture coup. They knew every hen of the 100 plus, their specific quirks, and their health.
"They don't go too far from the pen, scratching in the dirt for bugs. So, we don't have a fence around them."
"Oh, look at this one! I'm surprised she's still alive. I expect her to die any day. She's so old," Marseilles says matter-of-factly.
After more details about the laying habits of the birds and the various experiences the kids have had gathering eggs, we're off to the barn to see the cats.
"There used to be eight kittens, but now there's only Pipsqueak, the tiniest kitten, left. Rosette had six and Squeaky had four. Two of Rosette's died and then, she abandoned the rest when they were still too young to make it on their own."
"Yes," pipes in Mathijs, who isn't as enthusiastic about kittens and livestock in general as his sisters. "Then, Squeaky adopted Rosette's kittens along with her own. I don't know how she did it."
"Now, there's only Pipsqueak because all the others died and so did Squeaky. We don't know what happened, just everyday we'd find another one dead or disappeared."
Because Pipsqueak was so small and needed more attention, she was allowed to stay at the front door of the house in a box with a comfy bed of rags. A couple of last year's kittens, Stripes and Smokey, visited her daily, grooming her, and seeing that she was okay. It was really cute to see the attention they gave their little friend.
Then, this last survivor started looking sickly, not eating, just lying around, and even throwing up the small portions she managed to consume. The kids still tended her as best they could, not expecting her to survive.
Someone suggested they put the little girl under the Hot House, which is helpful with all kinds of health problems. So, everyday for a few hours, Pipsqueak was taken into the house and placed under the Far Infrared Dome. She loved it and would lay there for hours.
One day, the twins came running to Jeannie. "Someone left the door open and Stripes and Smokey are in the house with Pipsqueak. They must have missed her and were wondering how she was."
It's been interesting to see how these animals have been looking out for each other.
Every morning we all wondered how Pipsqueak was, fully expecting her to have spent her nine lives. But, lo and behold, there she was, still hanging in there.
She was given Hot House treatments for a number of days, until she started to look better. Then, Jeannie gave her a bit of chicken, which she consumed ravenously having not been able to keep anything down for a few days.
Today, Pipsqueak is romping around the yard living past her nine lives. And the kids have had another life and death experience down on the farm.