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February 13, 2019

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To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.Ralph Waldo Emerson


Martin's Ruminations

I'll start with a trigger warning.

Some of you have expressed to us, "We just want groceries, not your political rants!" If that's the case, stop reading now and continue to buy our groceries.
You should all know that we are first and foremost, lovers of Truth. Our clean, honest, trustworthy farming practices are an extension of that fact.

Also keep in mind, this is not actually a political rant, as we do not profess solidarity with any political party. That being said, our lives are affected every day by the political system that governs us, so to tie my hands up and tell me, "I don't want to hear about your politics," while injustice spreads like a plague, is totally unacceptable. No evil totalitarian rule has ever subjugated a nation without plenty of warning from a few almost universally condemned spokespeople.

Now, on to the story.

I was visiting with one of our customers a few days ago and he had an interesting story to tell. While he was picking up a few things in town, he mentioned in passing to a store clerk that he was a big fan of our grass-fed beef. He had tried other organic beef and it just wasn't the same. (This detail is kind of unrelated to the story, but it's good advertising so I'm including it.)
A woman in that store overheard his positive review of our business and couldn't bear it. She pulled him aside and told him, "I would never shop at Harvest Haven. I don't like those people." Our customer is a pretty cool cucumber, so he says, "I haven't had any problems and their meat is great. Why don't you like them?"

Her response is the subject of what I want to express today.

"I would never shop with them. They are violent!"

Our customer's response was great. He said, "Wow, that's a pretty heavy-handed accusation. Do you have any evidence to substantiate it?"

She stormed off indignantly, obviously short of evidence.

Violent! The people of Harvest Haven are violent. Likely this woman was part of the mob that called us xenophobic, misogynous, racist Nazis earlier last year. It takes my breath away. But now that my breath has returned, I would like to use it to express some historical truths that weigh heavier on my mind with every passing day. I'll start with two quotes, before address these very heavy-handed accusations.

The philosopher Santayana wrote once that, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," and someone else, forever known as Anonymous, added that "every time history repeats itself the price goes up."
Now, of all the chapters of history that aren't pleasant to discuss but I sure don't want to see repeated, I think the Nazi regime ranks pretty high. I've chosen Nazis as a point of discussion for three reasons. One, they personify violence. Two, we've been accused of being like Nazis. And three, because our leftist accusers are so perfectly in sync with Nazi ideology that the hypocrisy of their accusations can't go unnoticed and should not go unaddressed.

And let's clear something up: "Nazi" is short for National Socialism. Yes, the Nazis were 100% socialist.

NOTE: Hitler didn't hate the communists for their ideology, he hated them for taking their orders from a country (Russia) other than Germany. Although Germany permitted "private" property and industry under Nazi rule, the government regulated what you could do with your "private" property and industry with a totalitarian fist. Essentially, National Socialism is Communism dressed up to not offend Western Capitalists.

Also, note that Hitler was fascinated by the American Democratic Party and borrowed his socialistic and racist ideologies straight from their handbook. Even his eugenics (killing all "non-perfect" people) program was borrowed directly from American Progressive Democrats, like Margaret Sanger who founded "Planned Parenthood." Hitler said that her books were his bible.
Also, keep in mind that the Democratic Party in the U.S. was founded for the sole purpose of defending plantation slavery in the South. The Leftist political system in the U.S. is responsible for every pro-racism law ever passed. The KKK was the militant hand of the Leftists, directly akin to Mussolini's "Brownshirts."

The Right-wing political establishment in the U.S., however, is responsible for every bill that moved for extermination of racism. Any left-wing media source that insinuates or declares otherwise is lying.

So, let's talk about some quintessential trademarks of the Italian and German National Socialism that I think we can all agree are establishable. Then we'll see how well those ideas line up with ours at Harvest Haven.

1. Nazism desires to enforce state regulated production of goods (e.g. egg quotas, dairy quotas, broiler quotas, etc. All of which we are now subject to in Canada).
2. Nazism believes in redistribution of wealth by force. In other words, they used taxes to steal from (on the whole) successful hardworking people and gave that money to those who were (on the whole) less hardworking and successful.
3. Nazism, despite its socialist, virtue signalling, wealth distribution ideals, concentrated wealth in the hands of the political elite who were not answerable for their expenditures.
4. Nazism fully supported killing imperfect children. Abortion clinics and our publicly funded healthcare system support identifying handicapped children before they are born and killing them. Do remember that Planned Parenthood is a barbaric organization whose founding purpose was to "purify" the human race. What's worse, it does not limit itself to the handicapped today.
5. Nazism enforced Darwinian "Survival of the Fittest" doctrine as the new religion.
6. Nazism believed in segregation, slavery, or annihilation of other races, particularly the Jews.
7. Nazism enforced total social conformity, primarily through control of the educational curriculum and the media.
8. Nazism (remember the Night of the Broken Glass – "Kristallnacht") desires to disarm their citizens so they can't defend themselves from ideologies they don't agree with.
9. Nazism enforced censorship by any means necessary to silence dissension.
10. Nazism believed that terrorism, gangsterism, threats, and violence were all justifiable means to an end when it came to establishing their ideologies.
1. Nazism desires to enforce state regulated production of goods (e.g. egg quotas, dairy quotas, broiler quotas, etc. All of which we are now subject to in Canada).
2. Nazism believes in redistribution of wealth by force. In other words, they used taxes to steal from (on the whole) successful hardworking people and gave that money to those who were (on the whole) less hardworking and successful.
3. Nazism, despite its socialist, virtue signalling, wealth distribution ideals, concentrated wealth in the hands of the political elite who were not answerable for their expenditures.
4. Nazism fully supported killing imperfect children. Abortion clinics and our publicly funded healthcare system support identifying handicapped children before they are born and killing them. Do remember that Planned Parenthood is a barbaric organization whose founding purpose was to "purify" the human race. What's worse, it does not limit itself to the handicapped today.
5. Nazism enforced Darwinian "Survival of the Fittest" doctrine as the new religion.
6. Nazism believed in segregation, slavery, or annihilation of other races, particularly the Jews.
7. Nazism enforced total social conformity, primarily through control of the educational curriculum and the media.
8. Nazism (remember the Night of the Broken Glass – "Kristallnacht") desires to disarm their citizens so they can't defend themselves from ideologies they don't agree with.
9. Nazism enforced censorship by any means necessary to silence dissension.
10. Nazism believed that terrorism, gangsterism, threats, and violence were all justifiable means to an end when it came to establishing their ideologies.

Now, let's see. I think Harvest Haven has publicly opposed points 1 to 6 and stands in total opposition to the left-wing ideologies that are currently governing our culture. This, much to the outrage and dismay of Lethbridge.

So, it's clear to see that our ideologies are anti-Nazi in every single way, and our leftist opposition is completely Nazi in every way. Don't be fooled by the Left's fixation on "anti-racism." Their constant fixation on race is a concentrated effort to make sure the racial differences remain clearly distinct and identifiable.

Have you ever met an outspoken leftist that isn't anti-Semitic? I haven't. (There are even leftist Jews that are anti-Semitic; self haters; go figure.)

Now, let's see if we, at Harvest Haven, have anything in common with the Nazi methods of enforcing ideologies as laid out in points 7 to 10. We don't believe in public education, particularly not with such a leftist slant. Nor do we have any interest in bowing to the politically correct laws of social conformity that the Left imposes. We also support the right to bear arms. We strongly oppose censorship of any kind. And last, we have never condoned the use of terrorism or violence in any form to enforce an ideology.

Have you ever seen the Right (Conservatives or the Republicans down south) rioting and smashing windows when they lose an election? Folks, Leftist rioting is no more than a colossal bratty fit of entitlement! "You do as we say and we'll do as we please." I could spend days detailing the ideological self-contradictions of the Left.

The Left has always enforced with censorship and violence. Whether it was Hitler's youth, or Mussolini's Brownshirts, or the recreationally outraged mob that forms on social media today whenever a dissident to their Leftist ideology speaks out.

Remember, last year when we had 200 people threatening to put us out of business, spreading rumours about us using human manure on our vegetables, insulting us, and mocking our Faith. Those people are the modern-day equivalent of Hitler's youth smashing in the shop windows of any business owners that opposed their ideologies. And didn't they get us banned from the Farmer's Market simply for speaking our convictions? Isn't that censorship?

And yet they call us "violent" when their ideologies and methods of enforcing their doctrines are identical in every way to the most quintessentially violent ideology that's ever been. These people epitomize violent Nazism, while calling us Fascists and Nazis.

Don't be fooled by their self-righteous rhetoric. They hate freedom; they hate fairness; and they despise the weak. That's why they engage in violence and set up ideologies and economies that betray the good and eliminate the vulnerable.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a political pro-capitalism propaganda effort. Nor is this a condemnation of socialism, which, when exercised with wisdom and love, is not objectionable. However, Capitalism's stability depends on man's predictable desire to get ahead. The success of socialism depends on man's desire to be good. I think the former is about as likely as the sun rising and setting daily, and the latter as likely as sitting down for coffee with a herd of unicorns this afternoon.

Folks, we are up against dangerous ideas in dangerous times. Let's not be naïve.

P.S. For all of you who read this and are outraged, please understand that having your worldview shaken is very traumatic and can cause irrational outbursts. I mean this in all seriousness; I'm not trying to patronize. I've experienced it myself.

Please read and reread what I've written before thinking this a hateful diatribe or a self-righteous soapbox. This is important stuff. Don't say or do something you'll regret.


Closed Mondays for Farming and Construction

Martin has the clay plastering done on most of the walls. It's been a BIG job! The walls are almost beyond Martin's reach. LOL

Lights are being installed throughout the building…simple and attractive.

Brett is working on cabinets and countertops for the kitchen area now. And Jeannie is planning where to display all the cool antiques they've gathered over the years.

We're counting down to the opening in mid-May.

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Compliments Only Box

We're going to be narcissistic and ask for only positive feedback. We already know there are plenty of people who don't like one thing or another about us, even calling us "violent," if you can believe it. They probably had a disagreement with Martin and lost for a lack of logic and fact.

Anyway, we'd like to know why you keep coming back.

For a few reasons:

1. Market research - We want to know what part of our efforts are most effective at serving our customers.
2. Advertising - We want to share the feedback with others who haven't been here before.
3. The Newsletter - We'd like to share the comments in the Harvest Haven Happenings.
1. Market research - We want to know what part of our efforts are most effective at serving our customers.
2. Advertising - We want to share the feedback with others who haven't been here before.
3. The Newsletter - We'd like to share the comments in the Harvest Haven Happenings.

Let us know why you keep coming to Harvest Haven. When you send us your "glowing" response, tell us if you'd like your name published with your comment or if you'd like to remain anonymous.

Usually, there's a prize as an incentive to get feedback. But we couldn't decide what to give because we want to reward everyone who responds. We value all our customers and look forward to hearing from them and seeing them walk through the door.

compliments box

On Sale...

The sale on bulk items is on for another two weeks. If you are from out of town and are unable to get in because of the weather, send us an email with the items you would like, and we'll make a note for the next time you visit us.

Ground Beef- Sale 50 lbs for $340 Reg. $375

Boneless Chicken Breast- Sale 10 lbs for $140 Reg. $160 (See Recipe Box)

Chicken Drumsticks- Sale 10 lbs for $53 Reg. $70 (See Recipe Box)

Frozen Strawberries- Sale 6 lbs for $36 Reg. $51 (See Recipe Box)

Regular sale pricing on these items:

Garlic- Sale $3.25/ 4 oz Reg. $3.75/ 4 oz (See Recipe Box)

Manitoba Harvest Organic Hemp Oil, 500 mL -Sale $20.49 Reg. $21.49 (See Recipe Box)

Organic Que Pasa Tortilla Chips, 350 g- Sale $4.99 each Reg. $5.49 each (See Recipe Box)


The Recipe Box

Please note, all ingredients in our recipes are organic.


Hemp Oil Chickpea Spread

1 cup chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
1.5 tablespoons hemp oil
2 teaspoons sesame oil or tahini - whichever you prefer or have on hand
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp cumin
1 clove Harvest Haven fresh garlic
salt to taste

Blend together chickpeas, hemp oil, sesame oil/tahini, lemon juice, and cumin until smooth.

Mix, or blend, in garlic and salt.

Use for a dip for Que Pasa Tortilla Chips.

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Chicken and Dumplings

5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, divided
1 small yellow Harvest Haven onion, minced
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
2 Harvest Haven carrots, diced medium
1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, divided
3 cups Harvest Haven chicken bone broth
2 cups diced cooked Harvest Haven chicken
1/3 pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
Salt and pepper
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, plus more for topping
1/2 cup whole milk

In a large saucepan, melt 3 tablespoons butter over medium-high. Add onion, celery, and carrots and cook until onion is translucent, about 4 minutes. Add 1/4 cup flour and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Gradually add broth, stirring constantly, then bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in chicken and green beans and season with salt and pepper.

Make dumplings: Whisk together 1 cup flour, baking powder, 1 teaspoon coarse salt, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Cut in 2 tablespoons butter. Stir in milk. Drop heaping spoonfuls batter on top of chicken mixture. Cover and simmer until dumplings are cooked through, about 12 minutes. Serve topped with additional chopped parsley.


Strawberry Bread

3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup chopped pecans
1 lb frozen strawberries, thawed and sliced
1 cup sunflower oil
3 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat the oven to 350°. Lightly grease two light-colored loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray.

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, sugar, baking soda, and cinnamon until combined. Stir in the pecans, strawberries, oil, and eggs. Mix until just combined. Pour into the loaf pans and bake 55 minutes to 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaves comes out clean.


Down on the Farm

Up Above the Farm

Not everything to do with the farm happens "down on the farm." Our media guy lives in Calgary and has his own business, Symbol Syndication. Jonathan and his team do a lot of the behind the scenes promotions for Harvest Haven, on the internet, including the videos you get to see.

Jonathan's recent endeavour is The Ambition Project, which is a biweekly video series where he interviews successful Calgary entrepreneurs, discussing their dreams, struggles, and insights as business owners. These ambitious individuals describe how their dreams became realities, how painful their struggles can be to realize those dreams, and what valuable insights they gained through their journeys.

The next video project he's working on is a series of short, informative interviews with Martin on subjects that have come up in our interactions in the store. Some of the topics to be covered are:

Meat and Eggs - Food poisoning

Vegetables - Fertilizer Use and Storage

Grander - Penergizers and Boards

IG Farben – Pharmaceuticals and War

Bread Baking and the Wood-fired Oven

Watch for these videos in this newsletter and on Facebook as they're sure to be informative and controversial. You know Martin.


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