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December 5, 2018


In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. -William Blake


Martin's Ruminations

I've been reflecting on how much government involvement is too much. Here's an excerpt from Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front by Joel Salatin.
Joel Salatin, a world-famous organic farmer, has eloquently and tactfully addressed this problem in the following extract.

With the homeschooling movement, many teens are finishing school at 16 or before and are ready to move forward with their lives. Some of them apply for an apprenticeship here at our farm because they want to be full-time environmentally friendly farmers. How devastating it is for us to have to tell them we can't legally take them.

These young people are emotionally and physically mature enough for a driver's license but can't push our lawnmower. The problem with invoking government force to correct every little thing that a culture has determined to be wrong is that once the bureaucracy is in place, the correction always becomes overcorrection. To justify their existence, the government agents cannot be content to solve the initial problem. They continue to push and push beyond the point of reason until the original agenda becomes mired in absurdity.

IF a 16-year-old wants to come here and work, willingly, and we are happy to have him, who is being harmed by his apprenticeship? Why must he wait and spin his wheels for two years? If he comes here and gets the learning experience earlier, he can start down his entrepreneurial way earlier. And don't give me this "we must protect him from himself" business.

IF that were really the duty of government, we could justify putting everyone in straightjackets to protect us from ourselves. I might jab myself in the eye with my toothbrush in the morning. I think we should legislate tooth brushing license before someone can use one. I might burn myself on the coffeemaker in the morning. Better issue a coffeemaker license while we're at it. And don't even get me started on drinking.

Now let's assume that we hire a legal apprentice, aged 18. How do we figure out a legal way to pay him? According to minimum wage laws, he must be paid per hour, plus overtime. But this is an educational experience. At least, that's what we think. But unless it's a bona fide credentialed educational institution of sorts, it's just an exploitive working situation as far as the government is concerned.

The government views what we do as exploitive of labour. But if the labour happily agrees to these conditions, how can it be exploitive? Oh, that's right. How silly of me. The worker is too stupid to know he's being exploited. Workers happily walk to their own gallows.

That's another principle of government agents. They assume that everyone but them is a dolt. An ignorant, non-thinker. Dupe. Does it ever occur to these bureaucrats – not to mention the rest of society that feels compelled to rescue labourers from themselves—that maybe some people enjoy doing what they do? Even if what they do wouldn't make me happy? We are quick to inject our own standards of happiness and satisfaction onto others when we often don't have a clue what's going on in their heads? END

Do we really need a government to unionize every single workplace until employers don't want to and can't afford to hire anymore?
The next time you're tempted to expel the hideous utterance, "the government needs to do something about this," stop what you're doing, and then stop what you're thinking.

It's time for personal accountability and the freedom that walks with it hand in hand. Wishing the government would solve your problems isn't just a gutless abdication of personal responsibility, it's a direct assault on your neighbor. You're asking the government to take away someone's freedom so that you don't have to labour to create goodness and be responsible for yourself.

joel salatin
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Closed Mondays for Farming and Construction

With the warm fall weather, Martin and James were able to get trenching done to lay pipe for more irrigation lines. This is one less job to do in the spring when things get a little crazy.

Martin has started applying clay to the walls in the new store. And flooring for some of the side rooms is ready to be installed. Brett continues with the woodworking and it's looking awesome.

Lots of work has been done this past year, but there's still lots more to do before the planned spring opening. We're feeling excited about how it's all coming together.

clay wall

Berkey Gravity Water Filters

"I love my Berkey! I just wish I'd gotten a bigger one."

"It's the cheapest way to get good clean water."

"Had issues with my reverse osmosis unit, so I got a Berkey. It doesn't take out the minerals and the water tastes great."

"When I must drink water elsewhere, I can't wait to get home for a drink of good water. What a difference!"

Why do you love YOUR Berkey?

If you don't have one yet, take a look at Why Buy A Berkey Gravity Water Filter.

berkey love

On Sale...

Bone-In Chicken Breast- Sale $9.99/lb Reg. $10.49/lb (See Recipe Box)

Lamb Sausage, all varities- Sale $10.99/lb Reg. $12.49/lb

Large Eggs- Sale 3 dozen for $16.00 Reg. $6.00/dozen

Beets- Sale $1.99/lb Reg. $2.49/lb (See Recipe Box)

Organic Slivered Almonds, 150 g- Sale $6.99 each Reg. $7.49 each (See Recipe Box)

L'Ancetre Organic Salted Grassfed Butter, 250 g -Sale $8.49 each Reg. $8.99 each (See Recipe Box)

Ancient Harvest Organic Quinoa Spaghetti, 227 g- Sale $4.99 each Reg. $5.99 each


The Recipe Box

Please note, all ingredients in our recipes are organic.


Old-Fashioned Chicken Noodle Soup

1 ½ lb bone-in Harvest Haven chicken breasts
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
8 cups Harvest Haven chicken bone broth
1 Harvest Haven onion, chopped
1 Harvest Haven carrot, peeled and cut into ½-inch pieces
1 celery rib, cut into ½-inch pieces
2 sprigs fresh thyme
1 bay leaf
5 ounces spaghetti, broken into 1-inch pieces (1½ cups)
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley

Pat chicken dry with paper towels and sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Heat oil in Dutch oven over medium-high heat until shimmering. Cook chicken until well browned all over, 8 to 10 minutes.

Add broth, onion, carrot, celery, thyme sprigs, bay leaf, and ¼ teaspoon salt, scraping up any browned bits. Bring to boil, cover, and reduce heat to low. Simmer until breasts register 160 degrees and/or thighs register at least 175 degrees, 14 to 17 minutes.

Remove pot from heat; discard thyme sprigs and bay leaf. Transfer chicken to plate and let cool slightly. Using 2 forks, shred chicken into bite-size pieces; discard skin and bones.

Return soup to boil over medium-high heat and add pasta. Cook, uncovered, until pasta is tender, 9 to 11 minutes, stirring often. Add chicken and parsley and cook until chicken is warmed through, about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

TO MAKE AHEAD: Soup can be made through step 3, covered, and refrigerated for up to 2 days.

orange beets

Orange-Glazed Beets

30 mL sugar or Harvest Haven honey
10 mL cornstarch
125 mL orange juice
5 mL grated orange rind
15 mL butter
500 mL sliced or diced cooked Harvest Haven beets
Salt and pepper to taste

In a saucepan combine sugar or honey and cornstarch.

Stir in orange juice and rind.

Add butter and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Remove from heat; add beets, salt and pepper.
Cover and leave for 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend.

To serve, heat gently, stirring occasionally.
Garnish with orange segments or slices.

Serves 4.

snoball cookies

Snoball Cookies

1 cup salted grassfed butter
2 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup powdered sugar

Beat butter and powdered sugar together. Then add vanilla, salt, flour, and nuts. Mix until combined.

Take heaping tablespoons of dough and roll into balls the size of large marbles.

Bake at 325 F for about 12-15 minutes until lightly browned.

Let the cookies cool for 5 minutes.

Roll the cookies in powdered sugar and enjoy!


Down on the Farm

Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road

You've been hearing about the kids and the kittens, but not much about what's been happening with Harriett, our guardian dog.

Harriett is doing very well and has become quite a pleasant pet. However, she is much more than a pet, as she keeps our place safe from pesky predators and unwanted intruders.

Besides barking at coyotes and keeping them at a distance, one of Harriett's biggest concerns is the skunks that wander into the barnyard looking for eggs that our "layed-off" layers leave in the straw. She is adept at dispatching these guys without receiving too much "fragrance" if any at all.

We have no idea how many of these pests she's eliminated but have found the odd carcass in the back forty. In fact, Martin and James came across a dead skunk the other day and were about to dispose of it when Harriett snatched it out of their way and was guarding it from them. We're not sure if she was guarding it from them or them from it. After all, she is a guardian dog and protecting her livestock and owners is her innate responsibility.

Jeannie had an interesting experience with Harriett that left her puzzled. James makes dinner for everyone on Sunday, so Jeannie was in the store until 6:00 P.M. Stepping out after closing, she asked Harriett where the kids were. Harriett promptly gets up, jogs over to James' house, and waits quietly for Jeannie to get there, even though the coyotes were raising a ruckus in the distance. As soon as Jeannie got close enough to see the kids inside the house, Harriett dashes off, barking loudly in the direction of the coyotes.
What do you think of that?

Here's a funny video that'll give you an ear worm for sure and you won't think the same about dead skunks in the middle of the road.


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