Cats and Flats
One more strawberry story.
Last week, Victor and I had to make an early morning run to Calgary with a load of strawberries in baskets, boxes, and flats for several customers.
Arriving at the farm, we found everyone scrambling because one of the orders had been misunderstood. Instead of 12 – 1 lb baskets of strawberries as prepared, in rereading the order, it was clarified that it was for 12 boxes of 8 – 1 lb baskets for a total of 96 baskets of berries. Picking and packaging was in high gear!
Examining the number of boxes and flats we had to fit into the van, it was determined that the back seats had to be removed and anything extraneous was to be left behind or stuffed around the passenger's feet.
Organizing our expedition required piling some of the boxes AND our lunch in the front seats. All the doors were wide open to accommodate loading of the orders.
"Move out of the way, Harriett. You're no help here."
"Shoo, Violet! Stay out of the store."
Here's the scene. There's half a dozen of us scrambling around with berries, boxes, flats, groceries, invoices, lists, and what not. Harriett is wanting to help or just be noticed. Violet is trying to get into the store to snoop around for a snack. And a bit of bedlam is everywhere as we sort through the orders to be sure we haven't missed anything.
Suddenly, I see Violet running away from the van with something in her mouth. Focus.
"It's a bag with Victor's sandwich for lunch! Violet, you can't have that!"
She had jumped into the front seat and found our lunch.
Now, Violet is a rather small fluffy cat and the sandwich was a rather big fluffy bun, so she was having a bit of a struggle carrying the bag with the bun in it through the long grass.
As I go tearing after her, Jeannie realizes what's happening and comes running, too.
"Violet, stop!" As if a cat with food is going to listen to anyone. Even without food, cats aren't known for doing what you ask them to.
As poor little Violet is "running for her life" or at least to feed her kittens, the other cats who have been lounging under the tree spring towards her, thinking it's lunch time for them, too. It looked like a scene from the savannahs of Africa when a lioness brings home a gazelle and the other lions who've been lazing around suddenly realize there's food to be enjoyed. Only these "lions" were black and white and Violet wasn't about to share with them.
Martin hears the ruckus and with his long legs soon out paces all of us including Violet. Grabbing her by the scruff of her neck, he snatches her booty and saves Victor's lunch. The bun survived its excursion with only a small dent where Violet had hung onto it.
Getting a clean bag for the bun, all is good. Victor was happy.
The van is loaded to the roof, no cats included, and we're off.
"I hope we don't have a flat," Victor says.
"Actually, we have a few flats."
Lots of flats and no more cats. Excellent stats.