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June 20, 2018

onion planting

Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds - it's the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy. Allan Savory


Closed Mondays for Farming and Construction

The gardens are growing nicely, and the weeds are being dealt with. The rain was a blessing, giving a boost to the new plants and a break from irrigating for James.

Martin has finished his pastured laying hen structure. We're glad the hens don't care what it looks like and thankfully, it'll be out in the pasture, so we don't have to look at it – Martin used up a lot of mismatched scrap material to build it.

The contractor is getting the barnwood skirting on the new buildings, giving them that finishing touch. Quite striking in its creative and rustic appearance.


Fresh Harvest Haven Strawberries are Here

The kids have picked their first pails of strawberries!

As the saying goes, "Green today; red tomorrow." So, grab your buckets and head on over.

We're going to have LOTS of berries for picking this year, as we won't be at the Farmers' Market (explanation to follow).

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No More Farmers' Market for Us

"WHAT!" you exclaim. "Why not?"

Here's what went down and it ain't pretty. (Please note that the language used on us is extremely vulgar and not suitable for children to read. Really not suitable for anyone.)

In February we submitted to the Exhibition Park our application and payment for two booths at the Downtown Farmers' Market and requested a third for selling Martin's fresh bread.

Tuesday, June 5, we received our confirmation package for two booths. Asking about a third one, we were told due to a lack of space, we wouldn't be able to have it.

Wednesday, June 6, we received the following email:

fm letter

Thursday, June 7, they sent our refund for the market.

Just like that, we were summarily banned from the Farmers' Market. There was no warning, no specific charges or evidence, no discussion with us about what happened, nothing, just an abrupt dismissal. Done. Out.

The following comments were on our Harvest Haven Facebook post: Freedom Of Choice – Who's Free to Choose What?

Here's the Facebook conversation determined by the Exhibition Board to "suggest a gross misuse of the Market venue" by us and "Your actions have contravened the vendor contract."

I'm sorry to expose you to the vile language, but this is exactly what was said and by whom (FB handles of people we know the identities of).

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:07 AM

Lindsay Porter

How ignorant are you?!? Baby killers? Do you live in a fucking bubble??! You must! You'd think by 2018 people would have access to information surrounding the reasons some women chose abortion and not just let their dogmatic religious beliefs spout off about such bullshit.

I DID shop at harvest haven, as do (did after this bullshit) a lot of my community, and I know for a fact I not only won't shop there anymore but I will make a concerted effort to share this post far and wide and make sure my community is well aware of who they are supporting. We vote with our money and I suspect you will be feeling voted out.

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:40 AM

Harvest Haven

Lindsay, get off it.

First, if only the raped women and those in danger of medical emergency aborted their children, we would see the number of abortions almost vanish. In those cases, I wouldn't even bother to protest having to contribute my tax dollars to the bill. I've made it clear several times that my objection is paying for the killing of babies who were conceived irresponsibly for the sake of idle pleasure.

You know very well how weak your argument is. That's why you had to use the wording "SOME women". I'm not talking about the "SOME women". I'm talking about the "MOST women" and you know it!

This isn't a post about abortion, it's a post about choice. Folks of your moral persuasion have no business supporting legislation that takes away my right to stand by my own moral convictions. If folk want to kill their children, I won't make that my business. And since it's not my business, I'd appreciate you not sending me the bill.

The picture at the top says it all. You think that you should have the right to choose, and I'm only left with the obligation of paying.

Second, your vote means nothing to us. We're here to identify with Jesus Christ, which we will do without shame or regret. We're not here to gain your approval or business. We here to stand with Truth and Fairness. By the Grace of God, we will not be intimidated by your demonic tirades.

The plain reasonable Truth and Wisdom of Jesus Christ has far more power and influence than you could ever hope to muster with your blustering. You're no match for Him.

Post it far and wide, Lindsay! You're only doing us a favor. We don't want to feed folks who hate the Lord.

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:41 AM

Lindsay Porter

Let me guess... You're a middle aged man? You get off it. I'm not really even interested in reading what you have to say. Stay in your bubble.

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:43 AM

Lindsay Porter

Hate the Lord. Yep. Good fucking Christians. I'm pretty sure there's something about "thou shall not judge" or do you get to pick and choose....?

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:43 AM

Lindsay Porter

Also. You suck. Peace

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:52 AM

Harvest Haven

Lindsay, you've been had!

John 7:24, "24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."

You're the one being ignorant and aggressive. Take a look at your commentary. I'm speaking reasonably and logically, and you're cursing and attempting to stereotype me (a sure sign of defeat).

I think you've demonstrated my point to everyone quite clearly. You've got nothing. May the Lord deal with you now!

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:53 AM

Lindsay Porter

Harvest Havenhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:54 AM

Lindsay Porter

I've not been had. You self righteous asshole. You have made assumptions and determined my own spiritual beliefs because you know so strongly you are right (you aren't by the way)

Are you getting tired from running a business and trying to run it into the ground? What exactly are you projecting?

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:55 AM

Lindsay Porter

Maybe you want to have this conversation in person? Cause I could come find you at one of the public markets you do if you like and see how that goes... Would be more than happy to see how righteous you are without a keyboard in front of you.

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:59 AM

Lindsay Porter

Huh. My comments aren't staying on the page now. Anyways,I'm pretty sure you will be at a farmer's market near me very soon. Let's continue this dialogue in person! Are you as tough without your keyboard??

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:59 AM

Harvest Haven

Again, Lindsay, we are completely unafraid of you. Set the time and date, and call the media. We will not be ashamed. The Lord is with us and you don't stand a chance.

Are you committed to this, Lindsay? The first farmer's market is July 4th downtown. Bring your army and we'll come in the Name of the Lord.


Thursday, May 31, 2018 10:03 AM

Lindsay Porter

The "Lord" is with us all you dogmatic ignorant asshole. If anything your hatred and judgement puts you in a bad spot. You'll get your comeuppance... That's good enough for me. But sure... Let's talk. Face to face... Are you capable of hearing a woman speak? Probably not...

Thursday, May 31, 2018 2:21 PM

Elizabeth Charles

Please I encourage everyone to reach out to their local farmers markets and ask them if this really is the business they want to support....

Thursday, May 31, 2018 4:01 PM

Jill Hat:

Global Lethbridge Lethbridge News Now@exhibitionparklethbridge @ctvlethbridge

Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:21 PM

Karla Margarita

I really hope the press gets a hold of this and more people are notified on why not to no longer support this business!!

Friday, June 1, 2018 5:06 AM

Elizabeth Charles

Make sure you message exhibition ground personally. That's what I did

Friday, June 1, 2018 4:55 AM

Elizabeth Charles

Ah yes the "my business might be fucked so I better try and scare them with a lawsuit" game.

Just as you have every right to speak your views I have every right to actively encourage people to not support your business... I too have taken screen shots of everything you've said and have sent it to all the local farmers markets and asked them if this is really the business they would like to showcase at their markets... and I wont stop

Dates not known:

Valantine Krystlkat

I encourage everyone who feel passionate about this issue to contact Exhibition Park( the Farmers Market). I have sent them a message regarding their community standards policies.

Valantine Krystlkat

this was their response:
Sounds like you may have a direct complaint, please contact Jackie is our Supervisor of Events & Entertainment she oversees who is our Farmers Market coordinator.
Jackie will be happy to look into your inquiry and provide you with the necessary feedback.

Melissa Johnson

The vendors are not decided by the BRZ for the market downtown. I would suggest contacting Exhibition Park Lethbridge in regards to vendor concerns.

Danille Lazzaretto

Yes, Irene Dancy, the farmer's market is through the exhibition park

Irene Dancy

Thanks friends, I got the appropriate contact information and will be forwarding the comments and status update. Cheers!

Sheva Boire

eee! Maybe exhibition park needs to see this...

Brooke Ully

I don't think exhibition park can do anything as they can't discriminate against someone's beliefs. That is up to the consumer to decide weather to support them or not. They may be able to boot them if having them there causes a disturbance though.

Valantine shared this on her own page:


Don Cassell

Great idea! Has to happen

Lindsay Porter

I will drive down for it.
Gernette Go

Why is this post so aggravating that you guys have to protest?

Lindsay Porter

Gernette Go why does it not upset you?

Gernette Go

Because I think the price of freedom of speech means that regardless of how much you hate what someone says, they are entitled to it. If you disagree, sure, but you're protesting over someone's opinion. It's just not appealing. If you're protesting, you aren't even looking to change their opinion, you're looking to take them down some way. I don't care what either of you guys believe in the end, it's just about how you're going about it.

Lindsay Porter

Freedom of speech does not mean they are protected from consequences! I'm personally looking to teach them the power of being quieter about their ignorance...I'm not interested in protesting him however I would like to see if he's as ignorant face to face

Gernette Go

And what do you define as ignorance?

Lindsay Porter

Oh you know... Things like their post, the comments he made towards anyone who disputed.

Ignorance : lack of knowledge or information

Gernette Go

Comments he made to anyone who disputed? Which?

Lindsay Porter

Read the harvest haven post...

Gernette Go

I have, I still fail to see what you do. Multiple times does the post say that he believes that you can do what you want, he just wants the choice to choose what he personally pays for. He did not personally attack anyone who disputed against him.

So what are you talking about? I don't mind if you show me specifically what you're saying

Lindsay Porter

Gernette Go ugh... I don't wanna. That simple. You clearly are only in the mood to defend this poor sad man or something. I don't understand how you can't see how ignorant and inappropriate some of the things he's posted throughout the day are so why would I waste my time. I'm going to be selfish here and say, all I wanted was to spread the word and I got what I wanted. So... Peace. Done engaging.

Gernette Go

At least you were a little honest. I mean, I assume you realized that there really was no area where he specifically made comments on those who opposed him, but regardless, I think it's hypocritical of you to say that he's an ignorant "sad man," when he has spoken more facts than you and you're the one who picked a fight, not him.

I hope you see where me and him are coming from, even if you disagree.
Have a nice night.

Lindsay Porter

Ok. Did you not read? Seriously. Please leave

Lindsay Porter

Ooohhhh are you friends with him??? Ooohhh

Lindsay Porter

I don't like being told what to do so when he told me women were ashamed of me for swearing I swore. A lot. Cause that's not his place. Bye

Well, there you go…no more Downtown Farmers' Market for us.
However, we have a solution.


Our Own Market

You'll be able to get ALL the fresh fruits and vegetables that we would have had at our booth right here in our store. And much more – eggs, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, sausages, and all kinds of groceries.

Freshly picked and kept cool; no wilting or sweating in the sun (you or the vegetables).

Bulk orders if you like.

Parking right at the door; no plugging meters; no carrying heavy bags of groceries down the street (you can even get help carrying your items to your vehicle here).

And not just one day of the week, but five.

So many advantages!

radishes huge
apples in a basket hq

On Sale...

Top Sirloin Steak- Sale $13.49/lb Reg. $14.99/lb

Lamb Shoulder Steak- Sale $9.29/lb Reg. $10.89/lb

Beef Wieners- Sale $9.99/lb Reg. $10.99/lb

Chicken Liver- Sale $3.99/lb Reg. $4.79/lb (See Recipe Box)

Large Eggs- Sale 3 dozen for $16 Reg. $6.00/dozen

Beets- Sale $1.99/lb Reg. $2.49/lb

Farmhouse Culture Kimchi, 16 oz- Sale $11.99 Reg. $12.99 (See Recipe Box)

Nature's Path Crispy Rice Cereal, 750 g- Sale $12.99 Reg. $13.99 (See Recipe Box)


The Recipe Box

Please note, all ingredients in our recipes are organic.

kimchi nachos

Kimchi Nachos

2 cup tortilla chips
1 cup Farmhouse Culture kimchi
1 cup cheese mozzarella, cheddar
chopped green onions for topping
1 Harvest Haven egg
sour cream for topping

Spicy Sauce
1 tsp hot sauce
1 1/2 tsp mayonnaise
1/4 tsp toasted sesame oil

Preheat oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a medium-sized baking pan, place about 1 cup of the nacho chips at the bottom, lying them flat to form a bed of nacho chips. Place about 1/2 cup of the kimchi and 1/3 cup of the grated cheese evenly on top. Place the other 1 cup of nacho chips on top of the kimchi and cheese layer, forming another bed of nacho chips. Place the other 1/2 cup of kimchi and the other 2/3 cup cheese on top. Bake in the oven for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese is fully melted.

To make the spicy sauce, combine hot sauce, mayonnaise, and toasted sesame oil in a bowl. Set aside.

To make sunny side up eggs, heat 1 tsp of oil on a frying pan over medium high heat. Cook the egg for about 3-5 minutes, or until the egg whites are firm and cooked and the egg yolks are slightly runny.

To assemble dish, place the sunny side up egg in the middle of the nacho dish. Drizzle with sour cream and the spicy sauce. Top with green onions.

liver pate

Chicken Liver Pate

2 lb Harvest Haven chicken livers
2 medium Harvest Haven onions, sliced
1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped
About 6-8 tablespoons of water
˝ tsp salt
˝ tsp white pepper
˝ cup milk
˝ cup coconut oil

Place a heavy bottomed skillet (cast iron preferred) with one or two tablespoons of coconut oil to heat over medium high heat.
When the pan is hot enough, add the sliced onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until they become soft and golden, about 10 minutes. Add a few tablespoons of water as necessary when the onions start attaching to the pan a little too much.

While the onions are cooking, rinse the chicken livers under cold running water. Drain well, pat dry and remove white connective tissue, if any. Set aside.

When the onions have taken a nice golden coloration, add the salt, pepper, and apple. Continue cooking for 4-5 minutes, until the apple becomes soft and tender. Again, add a little bit of water as necessary if you find the mixture attaches too much.

Add the chicken liver (just make sure that the liquid is completely evaporated before you add the liver). Continue cooking for an additional 5 minutes or so, until the liver is brown on the outside but still slightly pink on the inside. Kill the heat, cover and let stand for about 5 minutes.

Transfer the mixture to the bowl of your food processor and give that a few spins on pulse, just to break everything down.

Start the motor again and this time, while the blade is turning, drizzle in the melted coconut oil, followed by the milk. Let that spin for an extra 30 seconds, then strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve.

Pour the mixture into 6 individual half cup ramekins and place in the refrigerator to set for at least 4-6 hours.

Cover loosely with a plastic wrap if keeping for an extended period of time, to prevent the top from drying out.

This pâté will keep for about 3-4 days in the refrigerator and it also freezes very well. Just take it out of the fridge the night before and it'll be good to go by morning.

ice cream cake

Ice Cream Crispies Dessert

2 – 3 Tbsp butter, melted
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
1/2 cup coconut
1 Ľ cup crispy rice cereal
1 litre vanilla ice cream
Chocolate chips

Mix butter, nuts, coconut, and cereal; toast in 300° F oven for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from oven and cool.
Line an 8" round or square pan with mixture, saving some for topping.

Spread softened ice cream over mixture in pan and sprinkle with remaining topping.
Melt chocolate chips and drizzle over top.

Freeze until firm.


Down on the Farm

Martin's Thoughts on Recent Events

After reflecting on and discussing the situation of my last Harvest Haven article on freedom to choose, with ensuing controversy at our FB, a few main conclusions come to mind.

Even though our culture and media continuously belt out the anthemic refrain of "freedom of speech and religion," these "freedoms" are not universally permitted, which kind of defeats the validity of said "freedoms".

It doesn't take a discerning mind to realize or understand that professing faith in Jesus Christ is a hateful idea in our culture. Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in garnering pity or sympathy. None needed or wanted. I'm only interested in communicating a reality.

Let's all imagine that I said the things I said in the previous explosive article, while professing Islamic faith. Do you honestly think I would have received the same response? If the response wouldn't be equal, can you really say that the freedom is equal? If the freedom isn't equal, can you even call it freedom?

But let me head down a more unexpected track.

We all know that when we don't use our muscles, they grow weak and then atrophy. We all know that when we don't employ our minds, they grow dull. So, what do you think happens when we fail to exercise our freedom?
Is it any wonder our freedom to worship Jesus Christ has dwindled away to nothing, when it's never exercised? Do we really think we have "freedom" when we're forbidden from expressing our beliefs and convictions publicly without consequences?

Now, I understand that a good many people reading this are not professing faith in Jesus Christ, but can we really pretend that your freedom to profess a different faith, or even your freedom not to profess any faith, is less fragile than our freedom to profess Jesus Christ?

Can you taste the irony? We've become so obsessed with tolerating all belief systems and ideologies (no matter how illogical or evil) that we've categorized any expression of these beliefs or ideologies as a potential threat to other beliefs and ideologies. So now we're only left with the freedom to hold our beliefs and ideologies in silence, even though those beliefs and ideologies often require us to represent them publicly. How dumb is that?

Mixed in with all this nonsense is the oft repeated notion, "the customer is always right." This concept was invented by business owners because they learned from experience that it was bad for business to argue with customers. In other words, it's often easier to just cave to every request and complaint, including the unreasonable ones.

Don't get me wrong, we absolutely intend to deliver top notch customer service, but that doesn't mean we have an obligation to cave to the whim of everyone who has ever bought a carrot here, as though doing a couple dollars of business with me purchases the authority to tell us what to do on our business page, or for that matter, how to speak or think anywhere at any time.

Just because other businesses are more concerned about making money than preserving their dignity and defending their convictions, that doesn't mean we're going to follow suit.

The golden rule is "Love your neighbor as yourself." How can love for our neighbor be worth anything if we don't love ourselves enough to resist abuse? Can you really defend somebody on a battlefield while neglecting to defend yourself?

Evidently, we're even supposed to be so tolerant of others that we tolerate those who are intolerant of us. And we're supposed to be so inclusive of others that we include those who abuse us, or worse, those who deliberately mock and revile our Creator, Whom we heartily revere.

I can tell you very plainly that our doors are open to anyone who has genuine goodwill towards us. I can also tell you, just as plainly, that our doors are firmly closed to anyone who seeks to do us harm. Isn't that what doors are for; for keeping out enemies?

I can tell you now, we won't be silenced by bullying or abuse. We are committed to doing the right thing by God and man, regardless of the consequences.

Remember, if you don't use your voice, it isn't long before you lose it.

On a lighter note, we came across this video last week that perfectly represents the kind of people who "are no longer going to do business with us," because we didn't surrender our freedom to them. You can imagine our dismay over losing their patronage.



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