Who's Free to Choose What?
Marilyn asked me if I had a theme for the newsletter and if I had anything I wanted to express. I did.
Recently, I've really been zeroed in on this idea of choice. Everybody talks about "freedom of choice". Apparently, we live in a "free society". There are even a good many people who refer to themselves as "Pro-Choice", citing their freedom to kill children.
Don't for one second think that I'm about to get on a pro-life soapbox because I'm not and I won't.
I've often marvelled at the inconsistencies and irrationality of the wide diversity of moral platforms that people dearly cling to.
Let me give you some recent examples I've run into.
Your family doctor is forbidden from prescribing, recommending, or even suggesting to you another alternative for cancer treatment besides chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. So not only has your doctor had his choices removed, he is even forbidden from letting you know that you have choices. Never mind the deadly track record of chemotherapy and the horrid side effects. And don't pay any attention to the incredible successes of natural treatments without nasty side effects. Your doctor is free to kill you but not to help you.
Here's more.
? Criminals can come on your property at night, steal your goods, and endanger your family, but if you defend yourself, you've committed a crime, and if those same criminals happen to be a racial minority, then you can add hate crime to the list.
? Smoking is legal even though millions are killed by it, but the sale of Low Energy Laser healing technology that has the potential to help heal lung cancer has been banned by Health Canada.
? Raw milk is illegal even though it heals the gut. Conventional dairy is legal even though it destroys the gut.
? On-farm, outdoor processing of meat for resale is forbidden, but hacking apart thousands of manure-crusted carcasses on a filthy killing floor by poorly trained workers, resulting in ground beef so toxic it needs to be sterilized with chemicals and radiation is totally safe.
? My daughter can't sell you a homemade banana loaf in our grocery store because of the "health risks", but apparently fast food is "safe" for consumption.
? | Criminals can come on your property at night, steal your goods, and endanger your family, but if you defend yourself, you've committed a crime, and if those same criminals happen to be a racial minority, then you can add hate crime to the list. |
? | Smoking is legal even though millions are killed by it, but the sale of Low Energy Laser healing technology that has the potential to help heal lung cancer has been banned by Health Canada. |
? | Raw milk is illegal even though it heals the gut. Conventional dairy is legal even though it destroys the gut. |
? | On-farm, outdoor processing of meat for resale is forbidden, but hacking apart thousands of manure-crusted carcasses on a filthy killing floor by poorly trained workers, resulting in ground beef so toxic it needs to be sterilized with chemicals and radiation is totally safe. |
? | My daughter can't sell you a homemade banana loaf in our grocery store because of the "health risks", but apparently fast food is "safe" for consumption. |
This is just a short list of what's out there. But here's one closer to home in the "health conscious" world.
A vegan tells me that it should be illegal for me to take an animal's life or even exchange resources with them (i.e. planting flowers for bees so they can make me honey or feeding sheep in exchange for wool). But apparently plowing down millions of acres of cattle pasture, killing billions of worms, beetles, nesting birds, bumble bee nests, mice, voles, rabbits, etc. to make way for chemical laden crops is totally okay. (And just a note to organic vegans out there, your veggies are almost always fertilized with fish emulsions.)
Evidently my choice to raise livestock and create a haven for a whole world of beautiful creatures should be removed, but vegans can do as they please. The amazing thing to me is I have yet to meet a vegan who defends the life of unborn human children. No doubt if it was an unborn calf, they would be up in arms.
Has everyone abdicated their senses?
Who has the right to charge me with, and for, murder? Vegans charge me with murder for mixed farming, and then, they charge me for murder when they abort, demanding freedom of choice and universal medical coverage.
Don't think for a minute that I want to make fast food, pharmaceuticals, or pus and feces-laden milk illegal. I'm not even suggesting that abortion should be illegal, but, folks, I'm sick of paying for it.
Where's my choice? If people want to eat garbage, get cancer, and then pay the same wickedly evil pharmaceutical corporation that poisoned them to begin with, to suck the remaining life out of them with lethal doses of chemical warfare, that's their own choice. But I'm sick of paying the bill.
If people insist on creating children they don't want and opting selfishly to kill them, that's their business, but I resent that I've been stripped of the choice to refuse paying for it. Why should I be taxed for the fleeting sexual pleasures of other people, especially when human life is on the line?
We live in a world where the same people who rabidly defend their choice to slaughter their own children also rabidly insist that my choice to not poison my children with vaccines be removed. Ironically, they want to force vaccination on my children because they believe I'm putting their unslaughtered children in danger.
Is your head spinning yet?
If we have the freedom to do evil, why don't we have the freedom to do good?
Why should I have to foot the bill for gluttons, sluggards, drunkards, addicts, and baby killers? If that's the life people want, you won't see me trying to stop them, but why should I have to help them?
Where's my freedom of choice?