In the previous Harvest Haven Happenings, we shared a video about the effects Grander had on wheat grass in an experiment done by a high school student.
Here's an exchange Martin had with someone who was sceptical about Grander. His answers may help you with the sceptics you encounter.
K: Whaaaaa? The water "learns" how to be spring water again???
Am I the only one who understands how crazy that sounds? Show me repeated peer reviewed data... when inquiring minds want to know HOW something works, it is insulting to pat us on the head and tell us that it's too complicated for us to understand. Come on... tell how the heck this supposedly works.....????
Martin: The trouble with your reasoning is that you're failing to acknowledge that you're surrounded by phenomena that you don't understand every day.
You know that when you drop something, it will fall. You can even reasonably predict how fast it will fall. But it's been millennia, and nobody is even close to telling us why or how it falls.
I can do the same for Grander. I can tell you that it will make seeds sprout faster. I can also tell you how much faster. But I can't tell you why or how.
The trouble with the "scientific" community is that they've deceived themselves into believing they understand why the natural world behaves as it does, just because they can predict what will happen.
Animals know well enough to predict objects fall, but that doesn't make them one bit closer to understanding how.
It was clearly demonstrated in the video above that Grander DOES HAVE a positive impact on plant growth. We've even learned HOW MUCH to expect. Is that not the study of repeated events?
I'm so tired of people swinging their "peer reviewed" baseball bat at our heads. What you're saying is that you and your "scientific" community are the self-ordained authority on Truth. The priests and priestesses of science if you will. No-one has the right to discover or utilize any natural phenomena without your approval, even if it's effective.
Essentially, you're saying that the incredibly complex marvelous creation we exist in is only permitted to manifest its design if it gets permission first from you and your peers.
For the record, the same peers you're demanding that I answer to have collaboratively agreed that chemotherapy and gouging out internal organs is the only effective cancer treatment.
We don't answer to ignorant barbarians.
K: Harvest Haven dude... I actually do understand gravity. I do not understand an inorganic molecule "learning" how to be spring water. Give me the benefit of the doubt, and just for one fleeting moment do not assume that I am an ignorant barbarian whom you seem to think is attacking your product. Just explain how it works. No need to call me names... unless that sort of thing turns your crank?
K: an... if you could repeatedly show me that wheat grass sprouts better with your water as opposed to any water with the chlorine removed... that would be great, too. I'm simply curious about your product. Why do you seem to think that makes me a barbarous threat?
Martin: I didn't call you a barbarian. I called the scientific community, barbaric, although at this point I'm becoming more comfortable lumping you in with them.
You demand that I show you peer-reviewed studies. This is the anthemic cry of the scientific community when somebody demonstrates a phenomenon they don't understand or don't agree with. The Grander family and their community can study water for 40 years and have their technology used effectively worldwide, but they're still answerable to these so-called "peers" who can't and won't understand their work.
We have repeatedly demonstrated that Grander stimulates plant growth as opposed to any water with the chlorine removed (we've been using Grander on our irrigation lines for over two decades). In fact, if you watch the video carefully with an "inquiring mind," you'll note that the unfiltered city water with Grander grew significantly better than the chlorine-free water with no Grander. The final control that used filtered water and Grander technology did the best. I designed the experiment to account for these variables because I wanted to know the answer. That's why there are four controls.
I often deliberate whether people like you are worth talking to or whether we should just delete comments like yours. But I've had it! People like you just see something briefly on Facebook and have no problem assuming they're the authority on the matter. You don't bother to watch the experiment carefully and think it through. You don't bother to ask for details to help you understand. In fact, you figure that if you can't comprehend something instantaneously then it isn't real.
Why should we give you the benefit of the doubt when you won't give it to us? You entered the scene treating me like an idiot because I don't presume to know more than I do. Did I get your benefit of the doubt? I sign my name and you call me "Harvest Haven dude." I can't even get good manners and common decency from you, but you can demand "benefit of the doubt"?
And then you completely ignore the substance of my response and accuse me of calling you names! How daft are you to be telling me you "understand" gravity? Read the following.
If you understand WHY masses attract and what mechanism CAUSES that, I hope that you'll share that with me and the rest of the scientific world. You tell me HOW gravity works and I'll tell you HOW Grander works (by how, I mean what causes it to work). How's that for a challenge?
As for any molecules "learning" a behavior, I'm referring to water's properties changing which in turn affects the way the water "behaves." Much like magnetizing a nail so that its behavior changes. The magnet "teaches" the nail how to behave like a magnet.
There are those who appreciate a simple explanation and aren't so proud that they take a simple explanation as an insult to their intellect. Do you think that because I offer a simple explanation that I have no understanding beyond that simplicity? Again, where is MY benefit of the doubt? Why not ask questions with some semblance of humility instead accusing me of insulting your intellect?
Don't tell me that you're simply curious about our product. "Simple curiosity" doesn't manifest itself aggressively as you have in your original comment. Curiosity asks questions; it doesn't demand answers. We're not falling for your innocence charade. You're lying. You're a know-it-all and a very unpleasant person and I have no problem saying it out loud. Calling people names doesn't "turn my crank" but saying it like it is sure does! It doesn't just turn my crank, it runs my motor!
If you think you can just show up and shoot off your mouth disrespectfully without resistance then you've come to the wrong place. Smarten up!