December 20, 2016 The days are short The sun a spark Hung thin between The dark and dark. ~John Updike (
The days are short
The sun a spark
Hung thin between
The dark and dark.
~John Updike, "January," A Child's Calendar, 1965 |
A nasty cold and flu has been spreading through the community. Hope you haven't made its acquaintance.
We have supplements that can boost your immune system and relieve the symptoms if you succumb to the germs being passed around. No one has found a cure for the common cold and maybe, that's a good thing. Colds can be a way to slow us down and help us eliminate toxins, wastes, and unhealthy cells. |
Colloidal Silver is a proven, natural, and safe pathogen fighter and immune booster that can be taken internally or used topically. It kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi without destroying your good bacteria. Good for you even when you're feeling well.
SURO Breathe is a product I really appreciate. It's approved by Health Canada for relief of seasonal or environmental allergies, sinus and chest congestion. It soothes irritation and heals inflammation.
I had bronchitis several years ago, and when the weather is cold or I'm overly tired, I start to cough and clear my throat constantly – quite irritating for anyone around me. SURO Breathe works almost immediately to soothe the irritation and help me breathe better.
SURO Elderberry Syrup is a Health Canada approved all organic cough syrup that tastes good and is good for your kids. It provides fast, effective relief from colds and flu, cough, and sore throat.
Green Pasture's Fermented Cod Liver Oil is a fermented product, which retains its nutritional benefits, as well as producing a small number of other nutrients, such as Vitamin K2. Fermented cod liver oil contains naturally occurring vitamin A & D, making them much more easily absorbed.
Wild Oil of Oregano has antifungal, antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven in laboratory studies, making it a natural, versatile and effective option for whatever ails you. Drug resistant super-bugs cannot develop resistance to it, like they do to the patented antibiotics on the market.
SALE - 10% off Wild Oil of Oregano, all sizes |
Who's interested in learning how to make Kombucha and Natural Leaven Bread?
We're working out dates and times for these classes and would like to know how many people are interested in learning how to make these simple, yet wonderfully delicious foods. |
 Kombucha | |  Fresh Natural Leaven Bread |
Here's a great way you can encourage your family and friends to shop for organics. Give them a Harvest Haven gift card. Why keep a good thing to yourself?
When you purchase a gift card, you'll receive a gift, too. With the purchase of a $25 gift card, you get $2.50 off your grocery purchase; with $50, you'll receive $5.00 off; and with a $100 gift card, you get $10.00 towards your grocery purchase.
The next time you're in the store be sure to get your gift cards. |
Turkey Drumsticks - Sale $4.69/lb Reg. $5.49/lb (See Recipe Box)
Beef Pepperoni - Sale $3.99/4 oz. Reg. $4.49/4 oz.
Yams – Sale $2.39 lb Reg. $3.29
Beets – Sale $4.99 for 3 lb $6.99 for 3 lb (See Recipe Box)
Frozen Strawberries - Sale $7.89/lb or $7.39/lb for 3 or more bags Reg. $8.49/lb |
Please note, all ingredients in our recipes are organic. |
Braised Turkey Legs
4 Harvest Haven Turkey Drumsticks
4 cups Harvest Haven carrots, sliced
4 cups celery, sliced
2 ½ cups Harvest Haven turkey or chicken stock
2 large Harvest Haven onions, sliced
Parsley, chopped
Harvest Haven Garlic, minced
Curry powder to taste
Paprika to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste
Brown drumsticks in butter in a large frying pan. Add garlic, onion, celery, and carrots. Sauté until onions are soft. Stir in broth and seasonings.
Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for about 2 hours or until turkey is very tender.
Note: I prefer to put the browned drumsticks in a roaster with the veggies and sauce poured over them. Cover and bake at 350° F for 2 hours or until very tender. |
Harvest Haven Borsch
2 Harvest Haven meaty shanks
2 Harvest Haven onions, in all
1 Harvest Haven carrot, in all
4 stalks of celery, in all
1 tsp salt, more to taste
3 medium Harvest Haven beets,
2 Harvest Haven potatoes, cubed
3 cups cabbage, cut into 1" pieces
2 cups tomato sauce
2 cups cooked navy beans
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley
1 Tbsp. finely chopped dill
3 cloves Harvest Haven garlic, crushed
Dash of allspice
Sour cream
Place shanks, 1 onion (chopped), 1/2 carrot (sliced), 2 stalks of celery (chopped) and salt in large stock pot. Add 2 1/2 quarts of water. Bring to boil, lower heat and simmer until beef is tender (1 – 3 hours). Remove the meat, strain the stock discarding the vegetables, and skim the fat.
Peel and grate the beets.
In a heavy skillet, sauté in butter remaining 1/2 carrot (sliced), 1 onion (chopped), and 2 stalks of celery (chopped) about 15 minutes.
Bring meat stock to boil. Add cubed potatoes and black pepper; simmer 10 minutes. Add cabbage and cook 10 minutes more. Add sautéed vegetables, beets, tomato sauce and simmer 5 minutes. Taste for salt, add beans and simmer for as long as you like.
While vegetables are cooking, cut meat into 1" cubes.
Turn off heat. Add meat, parsley, dill, garlic and allspice. Cover and let stand 10 minutes.
Serve hot with sour cream. eam. |
Has it been cold enough for you?!
The other morning, Martin said it was -43°C with the wind chill. I asked how he knew, thinking he had some fancy thermometer to measure that.
"No, I just saw the temperature on Environment Canada. AND I had instant brain freeze when I stepped out the door to do chores." |
Meantime, Jonathan, our media guy, booked it off to Cuba with his girlfriend, Shay. This is what they were doing. |
You can tell Shay isn't a farm girl – letting a chicken steal her cookie. Jonathan said the Cubans take free range chicken to a whole other level.
On a serious note, it was a very good experience for Jonathan and Shay to travel to a Third World country and step back in time some 60 years. They had very limited internet connection, needed to walk everywhere, and were without running water in their hotel.
Meeting a lady who is part of an organization for distributing clothes and goods to children, they left some of their things for her to use. Before travelling to Cuba, some people buy coloring books, crayons, pencils, and toiletries at a Dollar Store to leave there because the people are so poor.
Jonathan and Shay were thankful for the experience, but even more grateful for what they have back home. |