August 18, 2016 Earth laughs in flowers. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Hamatreya "Earth laughs in flowers." What images does that bring to your mind? You

August 18, 2016

Earth laughs in flowers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Hamatreya


Poppies at Harvest Haven

"Earth laughs in flowers." What images does that bring to your mind?

You may be surprised at what it means after you read Emerson's Hamatreya. The poem is food for thought about our place on this Earth.


Molly's Suds

Molly s Laundry Powder

Harvest Haven has the privilege of being the only retail outlet in Canada for Molly's Suds, "the wise choice for people against toxins." We carry the Laundry Powder and All Sport Laundry Wash, both excellent products for cleaning farm work clothes, children's play things, and athletes' sweaty gear, as well as those delicate items.

Molly s All Sport

Formulated especially for sensitive skin, Molly's Suds are super-concentrated, without harsh chemicals, toxins, fillers, carcinogen, preservative or GMO ingredients. Safe for you; safe for the environment.

Effective and affordable!


Downtown Farmers' Market

Join us at the Downtown Farmers' Market located in Festival Square, 3rd Avenue and 6th Street South Wednesdays from 10:00 AM till 3:00 PM. Only three markets left, so don't miss out.

Enter to Win!

While Jeannie was diligently picking zucchinis at just the right size, Siesta Zuke was hiding under the leaves, avoiding her scrutiny.

Guess the weight of this big guy and win a $20 gift certificate.

Twins with Siesta Zuke

Four arms' full


Organic BC Pears

bartlett pear

It's canning season!

We're taking orders for Organic BC Bartlett Pears.

Let us know what you would like us to order for you: 403-329-9157.


Fresh Harvest Haven Lamb

Fresh lamb will be ready Thursday afternoon, September 1 and Friday, September 2.

We're taking orders for whole lamb and cuts: 403-329-9157.


Fresh Harvest Haven Chicken

roast chicken

Order your fresh Harvest Haven Chicken today!

Fresh whole chickens will be ready Sunday, September 18.

Fresh chicken parts available on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 20.


BBQ Sale

NY Strip Steaks – Sale $18.29/lb Reg. $19.99/lb

Lamb Loin Chops - Sale $14.99/lb Reg. $16.89/lb

Lamb Garlic Sausage - Sale $10.99/lb Reg. $12.49/lb (Ask Sean about this one.)

Chicken Drumsticks – Sale $4.79/lb for 3 or more packages Reg. $6.99/lb (See Recipe Box)

Grilling Onions – Sale 3 for $2.49 Reg. $1.25 each (See Recipe Box)

Cooking Onions – End of Season Sale $1.29/lb Reg. $2.50/lb

Harvest Haven Apples and Crabapples – Sale $7.50 for 4 lb bag Reg. $2.50/lb


The Recipe Box

chicken drumsticks

Oven Fried Chicken Drumsticks

4 Harvest Haven Chicken Drumsticks
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp paprika
Black pepper to taste
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Melt butter in 9-inch square glass dish in oven. Add oil.

Rinse drumsticks.

Mix flour, salt, paprika and pepper. Coat drumsticks with flour mixture.

Place in dish and roll a bit in the butter and oil.

Bake 45 minutes. Turn drumsticks over and bake until crispy and done, 15 – 30 minutes longer.


Barbecued Grilling Onions

4 - 6 Harvest Haven grilling onions
1/2 cup organic olive oil
2 cloves Harvest Haven garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
Salt to taste

Trim onions, leaving about 2 inches of green top.

In a shallow dish, combine olive oil, garlic, pepper, and salt. Add onions; stir to coat onions evenly. Cover dish and refrigerate at least 1 hour or overnight.

When ready to use, preheat barbecue grill. Remove onion from refrigerator, drain. Baste onions with marinade.

Cook 3 or 4 minutes on each side or until they are wilted and slightly charred. Remove from grill and let cool to room temperature (these hold well while you grill the steaks or other meat).

Makes 4 to 6 servings


Down on the Farm

Walmart has its greeters to welcome shoppers. Well, Harvest Haven has its greeter, too. Her name is Rosette. Have you met her, yet?

Rosette likes to hang out by the door to the store to greet our customers and to slip into the store when given an open door. She'll keep you company while you do your shopping, just to make sure you are…distracted. Sean is distracted, too, trying to keep her out.

For young couples picking raspberries, Rosette likes to maintain a low profile to try the nerves of the prospective groom just making sure he's there to look out for his bride.

Young man in alarm: "What's that noise?! There's something in the bush."

Young lady, preoccupied with picking berries: "It's nothing. Just keep picking."

Rosette rustles through the bushes, unseen, only to spring out from the undergrowth right beside our young "hero."

"Yeow! What's that?" he screams and jumps in terror.

"Hahaha. It's just a cute kitten, you…" the bride-to-be laughs uncontrollably.

Rosette leaves the couple to sort out their relationship while she's off to the strawberry patch to babysit some toddlers whose moms are picking berries. All in a day's work for a busy kitty.

Now, for a little R 'n R. This active feline, with some sort of ADHD, likes to play jungle cat. See her antics in this short video and watch for her next time you're at the farm.

Rosette  the Jungle Cat
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