I'm not going to tell you about Martin's initiation to be a real cowboy. Or how he had to bring in a mom because her new calf was having a hard time finding its mom's teats. Or how the mom he was guiding into the corral smacked him in the ear with her manure-covered tail. Or Jeannie exclaiming, "Martin, what happened to you?" as he heads for the shower.
Mumble, grumble, "Cows!"
That narrative would be too gross for sensitive readers.
No, I'm going to tell you a nice story about a bee swarm that showed up in our lilac hedge next to our bee hives. That's a much sweeter story.
As James was walking by the bee yard, he noticed a fairly large swarm in the bushes. After checking our hives to make sure all were intact, he moved some of the empty bee boxes, which still had some honey in them, next to the swarm hoping it would find its way into them.
All seemed fine until James noticed a storm rumbling in. Quickly donning a bee suit, he gently scraped the bees into the boxes. This is where you expect something to happen to James because down on the farm it inevitably does.
Not this time. All went well and we have another box of bees. Now, isn't that sweet?