July 7, 2016 "?A farm is a manipulative creature. There is no such thing as finished. Work comes in a stream and has no end. There are only the thing

July 7, 2016

"?A farm is a manipulative creature. There is no such thing as finished. Work comes in a stream and has no end. There are only the things that must be done now and things that can be done later. The threat the farm has got on you, the one that keeps you running from can until can't, is this: do it now, or some living thing will wilt or suffer or die. Its blackmail, really."

- Kristin Kimball, The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love

James and New Calf

James with a new calf

Farming is an enjoyable occupation, mostly. There's lots of variety in the daily activities, pleasure in seeing the burgeoning garden and the birth of a new calf, the smell of newly mowed hay, and the satisfaction from the fruits of your labour. But, like Kristin Kimball says, there is really no end to work and the care for living things, animal or plant, especially in the summer. The Down On the Farm essay will give you a snapshot of a day in the life of the farmers at Harvest Haven.

This Harvest Haven Happenings is a day late because a choice had to be made between writing it and processing strawberries for freezing. It was one of those times when you need to do something now or see produce perish. Newsletters can wait.


Natural Pest Controls

Because Harvest Haven is an organic farm, we've found natural ways to deal with pests in our yards and gardens.

Dog Be Gone is very effective at deterring dogs, cats, deer, or any pest with a great sense of smell. It's a mixture of herbs and spices that is safe for children, animals and the environment. Just sprinkle generously where needed.

Deer love my petunias. After sprinkling my flowers with Dog Be Gone, I've had no more deer munching on them, yet they still daily visit our yard.


Downtown Farmers' Market

Catch us at the Downtown Farmers' Market located in Festival Square, 3rd Avenue and 6th Street South, starting next Wednesday, June 29 from 10:00 AM till 3:00 PM.

We have expanded our booth to accommodate all the fresh fruits and vegetables we have, plus some of our grocery items.

Look for the new Harvest Haven banners and the big U-pick sign.

Farmers Market

Strawberry Picking Was Amazing!

Thanks to everyone for your enthusiastic response to the strawberries. We met so many new people and renewed lots of former friendships. Loved it!

thank you strawberry meme

Thank you so much, everyone!!!


Raspberries Are Nearly Ready for Picking

We'll have lots of raspberries for picking very soon. If you'd like some, please reply to this newsletter or email solutions@harvesthaven.com to have your name added to our list.

Raspberries Lethbridge-15

The recipe in the following video uses strawberries, but it's very good with raspberries and quality balsamic vinegar instead of the wine vinegar.

Strawberry Spinach Salad

Taking Orders for Fresh Organic BC Fruit

Fresh Blueberries

Organic BC Cherries and Blueberries are here now with other fruits soon to follow.

We can order cases for you, but won't know the prices until the list comes from our supplier. Let us know what you would like and we can get the price to you when it is available.


On Sale

NY Strip Steaks – Sale $18.29/lb Reg. $19.99/lb

Sirloin Tip Roast - Super Sale $9.99/lb Reg. $13.49/lb

Lamb Shoulder Steak – Sale $9.29/lb Reg. $10.89/lb

Beef Smokies – Sale $10.99/lb Reg. $12.99/lb

Artesian Acres Pasta – 15% off (See Recipe Box)

Yerbe Mate, a refreshing energy drink without all the junkSale $3.29 each Reg. $3.99 each

Bucha Yuzu Lemon Kombucha, naturally fizzy with good probiotics and a refreshing lemony tasteSale $3.99 each Reg. $4.99 each


The Recipe Box

Pasta Salad

Bacon Ranch Chicken Pasta Salad

2 cups Artesian Acres pasta, cooked to al dente
2 cups shredded Harvest Haven chicken
1 cup frozen peas, cooked
1 cup diced tomatoes
6 slices Harvest Haven beef bacon, cooked and diced
˝ cup bottled Lighthouse ranch dressing
1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper


Cook the pasta to al dente and allow to cool. Add chicken, bacon, peas and tomatoes and toss to combine.

Measure out bottled ranch dressing into a small bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of fresh cracked pepper and stir until combined.

Pour ranch dressing over pasta mixture and gently fold together.

Top with bacon crumbles for garnish, if desired.

Recipe courtesy of: Yellow Bliss Road.com


Down on the Farm


Many people come to our farm and say, "I'd love to have a farm like this." We just conceal our blood, sweat and tears, smile politely, and ask, "How can we help you today?"

Starting at dawn, which at this time of year is right on the heels of dusk., strawberries need to be picked, but the young ladies we hired have other commitments. Martin to the job. By the evening he has 40 pails - just not all at once.

Martin's heroic efforts in the strawberry patch have a few interruptions. Who knew? We might have known.

Numerous pickers ask for assistance and directions. No problem, he takes a few minutes to visit.

James calls to consult on a used cargo van he's picking up in Winnipeg. Issues must be discussed with the dealership, which takes more of Martin's time.

Checking on the cows, a young mom with her first calf is having some problems keeping track of her newborn in the tall grass. The pair needs to be moved into the barn to help with bonding, free of distractions. The little guy won't budge, so Martin heaves 70 pounds of calf over his shoulder, only to have him do "his business" down his arm. Time for a shower now.

Oh, the sheep need moving.

"Let's go, girls. Where's Bonnie and her triplets?"

As the flock file out of the corral, Bonnie is at the feeder looking at Martin like, "I'll come when I'm good and ready…thank you very much."

Meanwhile, the rest of the flock sees its opportunity to scatter in every direction. "Whoo hoo! No shepherd. Let's fly!" And they do! And so does time. Dealing with it, Martin is ready to make lamb chops out of every one of the rebels.

He returns to the strawberry patch to pick more berries.

Now, Farmers' Market is only a couple of days away and much still needs to be prepared. As well, adding a second booth and new banners means designing additional components to make a presentable display.

Keep picking berries - they're needed for the Farmers' Market.

"Forty pails. I'm done here."

A quick bite to eat – no casual sit-down dinner tonight – and it's off to plant carrots because it's supposed to be windy the next day. Thankfully, the half acre of carrots can be seeded more quickly by tractor and mechanical planter. With our late sunset this time of year, Martin still has time to get the job done – at our latitude, sunset isn't till about 10:30 P.M. Lots of daylight, but little rest for the farmer.

Just another day on the farm...nearly 24 hours of it….

seeding carrots

Seeding at sunset

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