May 12, 2016 "Regard it just as desirable to build a chicken house as it is to build a cathedral." - Frank Lloyd Wright Or a Parkour Playground for

May 12, 2016

"Regard it just as desirable to build a chicken house as it is to build a cathedral."

- Frank Lloyd Wright

Chicken Yard

Chicken Parkour Gym

Or a Parkour Playground for the laying hens. This was Martin's project to keep the layers entertained.

Chickens are very active creatures - always scratching and looking for "something." They're quite interesting to watch as they go about their day.


Barred Rocks in the warmth of the heat lamp

These pullets are the next generation of layers, heritage breeds - Barred Rocks, Red Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. You'll start seeing their offerings in a couple of months or so, with their small eggs in the cooler.

Here's an interesting article with Seven Reasons You Need to Eat More Eggs, besides convenience and good taste.


Fresh Harvest Haven Chicken

As you know, we raise meat chickens, which are growing nicely. We have fresh chicken only twice a year. The first batch is coming in less than a month.

Whole chickens will be ready for pick-up Thursday, June 9 to Sunday, June 12.

The chicken parts will be available Friday afternoon, June 10 to Sunday, June 12.

Please place your order as soon as you can.


Win Groceries

Free Groceries

With your order of three or more fresh whole chickens, your name will be entered into a draw to receive an organic Harvest Haven grocery bag (value $15.00) and $35.00 groceries of your choice.

Call or email us with your fresh whole chicken order today: 403-329-9157 or


Sale Items

Boneless Chicken Breast – Sale $14.79/lb Reg. $15.99/lb (See Recipe Box)

Beef Minute Steak – Sale $9.99/lb Reg. $11.29/lb

Ground Lamb - Sale $8.99/lb Reg. $9.79/lb

Cooking Onions – Sale $6.79 for 3 lbs Reg. $2.50/lb

Extra Large Eggs – Sale $16.99 for 3 doz. Reg. $6.25/doz. (See Recipe Box)

Lakewood Lemon Juice (pure, cold-pressed), 370 mL – Sale $4.99 Reg. $5.60


The Recipe Box

Pineapple Chicken Breast with Asparagus

2 Boneless Harvest Haven Chicken Breasts
1 Harvest Haven egg, slightly beaten
1/2 cup buttered bread crumbs
1 tsp organic soy sauce
1/2 cup organic coconut oil for frying
1 cup organic pineapple juice
1 Tbsp organic cornstarch
1/4 tsp curry powder (optional)
1 Tbsp organic sugar or honey
1/4 cup organic almonds, chopped and roasted

Immerse chicken breasts in egg. Roll in bread crumbs. Season with soy sauce.
Sauté in hot oil till brown. Drain.

Blend together cornstarch, curry powder, juice and sugar. Pour over chicken.

Cook gently for 25 minutes or until done.

Garnish with almonds.

Serve on buttered toast with asparagus spears.


Lemon Curd

1/2 cup organic butter
1/2 cup warmed honey
Grated peel of 2 organic lemons (about 4 tablespoons)
Juice of 3 lemons (about 1/2 cup)
6 Harvest Haven eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp sea salt

In top of double boiler, combine all ingredients. Mix well.

Set over gently boiling water and cook (stirring constantly with a wooden spoon) for 15 – 20 minutes or until mixture is thick and smooth.

Cool and store in jar in fridge.

Makes 2 1/2 cups.

Spread on toast; filling for meringues, cakes and sponge rolls; Dessert pudding garnished with whipped cream.


Down on the Farm

Martin and James have been working hard and "behaving" themselves. This gives me the opportunity to share with you a cute chicken story from a number of years ago.

Before our shop was a full-line grocery store, it was simply a place to pay for Harvest Haven strawberries, eggs and fresh garden produce. It was sparsely furnished with a large desk, an old till that just held the money, and an office chair. Hard to imagine, right?

As I was working at the desk one sunny afternoon, I heard a hen plaintively croaking outside the door and then saw her fly up on a window box, peering in the window at me.

"This is curious."

After a few minutes of her persistence, I opened the door to see what she would do.

To my utter surprise, she tentatively walked right into the store, looking around carefully. I backed away from her as she seemed to be intent on going somewhere.

In amazement, I watched her go to the back door of the store, which was open and proceed through it. The back area had not been finished off and was used for storing garden tools and equipment. The overhead door was often left open during the day for easy access to what was needed for work in the gardens. Today, it was closed.

This little hen carefully picked her way through equipment, while making sure no one was watching her, so I had to be careful not to be observed. Finally, she flew up onto one of the shelves and settled into a nest.

After she left, we found about a dozen eggs there.

Now, think about it. How did she know to come through the store and work her way to the back of the shop? Isn't that amazing!

As Yosemite Sam used to say, "Ah luv chickens! Chickens is so smart!"
