One consolation of many is good company. As we were visiting and discussing farm business one afternoon, Martin interjected.
"Would you like a cup of coffee?"
"Sure. I like it HOT," replies Victor.
James springs into action and in a couple of minutes the aroma of coffee fills the kitchen.
"Here you go, Victor."
"Thanks. Do you have some honey?"
Victor takes a dollop of honey and stirs it into his hot coffee.
"How about a little cream?" Stir.
"Hmm, milk, too?"
Stir some more. Taste.
"JAMES!!! What is this? Wow! I think my spoon just melted…this coffee is so strong!"
"I'm going to need some more water."
"No problem. Here you go."
Stir, stir, taste. Groan.
"My coffee's cold."
Stunned, we all just looked at each other wide-eyed after watching this production, then burst out laughing.
Victor's hope is for a perfect cup of HOT coffee…someday.