January 6, 2016 "Farming is a profession of hope." - Brian Brett Every aspect of farming has an element of hope. The new calf brings the hope of it

January 6, 2016

"Farming is a profession of hope." - Brian Brett

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Our new calf, Night.

Every aspect of farming has an element of hope. The new calf brings the hope of it growing into a healthy cow, which will produce more calves. Seeds are planted with the anticipation of an abundant harvest. The harvest is brought in with the hope of good seed for the next season and an abundance to sell.

When there are failures, and there always are, the farmer's adage is "Next year…."

We're thankful to be farmers. Everyday brings something new and the realization of the hopes we've had.


Vita-Lite Natural Full Spectrum Light Fixtures

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Vita-Lite Desk Lamp

We've been enjoying the benefits of full spectrum lighting for several years now. In fact, you have too, if you've been to our store! That's because the fluorescent lights in our store give off healthy, "easy-on-the eyes" full spectrum light.

You can enjoy full spectrum light in your own home with a Vita-Lite desk lamp or clamp lamp.

Here are just a few of the benefits:

? Reduces SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
? Simulates natural outdoor light
? Reduces eye strain and fatigue
? Is the best lighting for reading, crafts, any close work
? Helps with focusing and productivity
? Excellent for pets, birds and fresh water aquariums
? Helps reduce sickness and disease of your pets
? Use as a grow light for plants
? Cost effective

Desk Lamp - SALE $149.99 Reg. $185

Clamp Lamp - SALE $149.99 Reg. $195


Fresh Beef

Fresh Harvest Haven Beef is available this Thursday afternoon, January 7 and Friday, January 8.

We'll have T-Bone Steaks, Rib Steaks, Rib-Eyes, Sirloin Tip Roast, Cross-Rib Roast, Stir Fry and Stew.

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Save on Your Food Bill

With the rising cost of food these days, it's important to get the best value for your dollar. Buying in bulk is one way. We're able to offer lower prices on Harvest Haven produce – fresh, organically grown, local.

Potatoes, select varieties - SALE 40 lb sacks/$45.00 Reg. $1.50/lb

Large Carrots (sweet and juicy – great for cooking or juicing) - SALE 25 lbs/$30.00 Reg. $1.45/lb

Beets (good for juicing, too!) - SALE $1.49/lb Reg. $1.99/lb

Squash, all varieties and sizes - SALE $1.00/lb Reg. $1.50 to $1.99/lb

This sale ends Friday, January 22, 2016.


Sale Items

Stock up on these basics!

Harvest Haven Ground Beef – SALE $6.99/lb for 3 lbs or more Reg. $ 7.49/lb (See Recipe Box)

Harvest Haven Beef Sausages – SALE any 3 pkgs. for $9.99/lb Reg. $10.99/lb

Harvest Haven Extra Large Eggs – SALE 3 dozen for $16.99 Reg. $6.25/doz

All Dried Beans – SALE 3 containers for $10.00 Reg. $3.99 each (See Recipe Box)


The Recipe Box

chili with cornbread

My Favorite Chili

1 lb Harvest Haven Ground Beef
1/2 c green pepper, roasted red pepper, or roasted Anaheim pepper, chopped
1/2 c Harvest Haven onion, chopped
1/4 c cilantro, chopped (optional)
2 cloves Harvest Haven garlic, minced
1 – 16 oz can tomatoes
1 – 16 oz can tomato sauce
2 – 4 cups cooked beans, pinto or kidney (see recipe below)
1 Tbsp or more chili powder
1/2 to 1 tsp salt, to taste
1/2 tsp dried basil, crushed
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp black pepper

In large skillet cook ground beef till browned. Push to one side.

Sauté green pepper, onion and garlic in same pan. Sprinkle spices over sautéed vegetables and stir all into beef.

Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, and undrained beans.

Taste and add more salt and/or chili powder to taste.

Bring to boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for an hour.

Serve over rice or with cornbread.

Cooking Beans

1 cup dried beans, any variety
Water to cover

Soak beans overnight. Drain. Add fresh water to cover.

Boil 2 or more hours until tender. Add salt to taste.


Down on the Farm

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Our media guy has been off to warmer climes, filming seals on the beach in Southern California and gators in the swamps of Mississippi. And we're back here in the snow and cold of Southern Alberta just keepin' on keepin' on.

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One consolation of many is good company. As we were visiting and discussing farm business one afternoon, Martin interjected.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Sure. I like it HOT," replies Victor.

James springs into action and in a couple of minutes the aroma of coffee fills the kitchen.

"Here you go, Victor."

"Thanks. Do you have some honey?"

Victor takes a dollop of honey and stirs it into his hot coffee.

"How about a little cream?" Stir.

"Hmm, milk, too?"

Stir some more. Taste.

"JAMES!!! What is this? Wow! I think my spoon just melted…this coffee is so strong!"

"I'm going to need some more water."

"No problem. Here you go."

Stir, stir, taste. Groan.

"My coffee's cold."

Stunned, we all just looked at each other wide-eyed after watching this production, then burst out laughing.

Victor's hope is for a perfect cup of HOT coffee…someday.
